Friday, July 6, 2007

Color Glaze Me

You'll have to excuse the recent absence... I'm coming off a bad hair and skin week. Speaking of a bad hair day:

So Wednesday night I decided to try John Frieda's Luminous Color Glaze (in "Honey to Caramel"), and I'm not quite sure this product lived up to my expectations. Maybe it's because I have fine, curly-ish hair (don't ask- it's a disaster), but it left my hair stringy and dull. I'm 99% sure I rinsed all of it out, but it almost looked like I had left my conditioner in. I definitely didn't see the "glistening shine and silky, luxurious texture" that it promised. In fact, I ended up having to pull my hair into a bun because it looked so terrible.

I definitely wouldn't recommend this product to try on a work day.- I couldn't wait to get home and wash my hair.

In all fairness, though, I can imagine that this product would work very well for someone with thicker hair. Like I said, mine is very fine, so I have to be very careful about the products I use. If anyone out there (namely with thicker hair) has tried this and liked it, by all means, please let me know. I'm curious to see if it works better for someone with a different hair texture.

1 comment:

Carrie M said...

I have a lot of hair, as you know, and I honestly didn't notice much of a difference when I used it last year. I'm lucky in that I have good hair and that it's pretty shiny to start out with. I find that I get great results with Pantine Ice Shine conditioner, then Euphora's pure polish finisher before I dry my hair, and then my super-cool Sedu ionic dryer that I dropped over $100 on but it was well worth it.

I wouldn't buy the glaze again for myself.